Drama Addicts Corner Now has a Podcast!
Along with the hot takes and honest reviews I have now started a podcast. So, if you don't have time to read a review perhaps you can tune in for a listen. Come and enjoy some of these dramas with me, or express frustration.
Episode One
Welcome to Drama Addicts Corner, today is an introduction to who I am and what this channel will be about. We will also do a small dive into my favorite most recent k-dramas.
Episode Two
I am a hard one to please. There are actors and actresses that I will forever champion and others that I refuse to watch. Here is a few of those actors and actresses that I like or dislike and why I like them, or won't watch them. I'm not a hater, I just want to be given a good story.
Episode Three
Hello Chingus! Today's episode covers my shpeel on three different dramas: Love Next Door, Dear Haeri, and Family By choice. The song selection for today's episode was Multiply by Woodz. Come join me on my hot takes for these dramas.
Episode Four
My hot takes, and short reviews on the recent K-Dramas: A Virtuous Business, A Brewing Love, and When the Phone Rings. I spill all my thoughts on these three series, the good, the awful, and the decent things. Come see what my sticky notes have to say about them. As per usual, look me up at dramaaddictscorner.com for more in depth reviews and reviews on other dramas not covered in this podcast.
Episode Five
Just like many of you I had my own 2 cents about the last episode of When the Phone Rings. Here is my little rant of one of the most contentious endings in K-Drama, second only to the train wreck of 25/21. Join me today was we listen to Good Enough, by Xdinary Heores and give a good long rant about the finale.